The aim of this research was to better understand the effects of products quality, price\nreasonableness, brand image, and attitude towards customer�s intention. This research was\nguided by four research questions: What product quality has a positive influence on express\ndelivery services a positive attitude? What price reasonableness positive influence on attitude\nto use express delivery services? What positive effect on brand image expresses delivery\nservices? What positive attitude influence on intention to use express delivery services? The\nmethodology employed was survey of 100 customers plus in-depth interviews with courier\nservice operators. Interviews and survey were conducted from August to October 2015. This\nresearch was used SEM techniques for data analyze. The results confirmed there was no\nrelationship between products quality, price reasonableness and attitude. Furthermore, brand\nimage has influence attitude. The mediating role effects of costumer�s attitude for product\nquality, price reasonableness and brand image towards customer�s intention offer new insight\ninto antecedents on costumer�s intention in a high influence. This study presents an original\ncontribution to understanding brand image effect and its attributes either directly or through\nattitude towards customer�s intention is determine.